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The Big List of "Phil's Nots"

Discussion in 'ADF (Phillip Haskins DeLici)' started by Philly Z Steak, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. Philly Z Steak

    Philly Z Steak ✈__✈ █ █ ▄

    I have known and hated ADF since he was first discovered in 2011. Along with Nick Bate, Anthonny Loggato, and even Mole Man, he was touted as "The Next Chris Chan"

    Since then, I noticed one of the big things with Harel is he "likes to collect labels"

    And everyone keeps on doing things and calling him descriptives because of it. "Obese Phil" "Diabetic Phil"

    Well, here I am to debunk it all. Like I said, I've known and hated ADF for years.

    First, he is NOT a woman. There isn't anything "she" about him, so it offends me when someone calls him a tranny.

    He is NOT named Phil. His name is Ahuviya Harel Isabel Rotem Aroujo ADF-Fuensalida. This name "Phil" has only come up this year. From 2011-2015, I have never heard him called "Phil" anywhere, and I spent those years hating ADF's existence so much I'm sure I would've come across it somewhere.

    He is NOT a diabetic. He'd be fucking dead if he was. He roams the street, has no house, doesn't eat properly, probably doesn't drink enough water, gets lots of tattoos from dirty needles, and etc.

    He is NOT Jewish. Does his last name end with "Berg", "Kewitz", "Stein" or "Snyder"? No.

    He is NOT Latino. Self explanatory.

    He is NOT a Communist.

    And most important. HE IS NOT FUNNY!
    Out of the others I mentioned, Nick Bate, A-Log and Mole Man, not only was he the one who was tried so hard to become the next Chris-Chan (eg. within months of his discovery, ADF Wiki was made, and he even tried to "JenkinsJinkies" it, and they tried to cross him with Chris with the "Calling Out" saga) but it was clear right from the get go that he was the least funny of the four. But yet, threads kept getting made, points about his body shept kept getting made, the unfunny-ness was so clear but they just never listened.

    Now today, we have the stupid mess of a unfunny shit.
    Foulmouth likes this.
  2. exball


    But Null said he was funny.
  3. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Is this a TK post?
  4. Philly Z Steak

    Philly Z Steak ✈__✈ █ █ ▄

  5. Foulmouth

    Foulmouth Suck my cock you faggots

    Gotta agree with this, In the old days I barely looked at the pages on him.
    I think he got rushed in as a jace (lol) replacement to fill the void.
    I also get the feeling a LOT of his stuff is him "acting for the camera" so to speak.

    Edit - TK post or not, a stopped clock is right twice a day
    Sobek likes this.
  6. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Needs more kettlebell

  7. bungholio

    bungholio Deader than the parents on "Party Of Five".

    As stubborn as I am about the hijinks of other retards besides Chris, I actually follow ADF a bit.
    Hellblazer likes this.
  8. boiledchimpburgers

    boiledchimpburgers Every day is an Aleppo moment

    ADF got boring when he stopped doing videos and I lost interest, but with his surge in activity, I've been more keen on following him again. He's whatever.