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Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Mariposa Electrique, Jan 23, 2017.

  1. TiggleYaPoosay

    TiggleYaPoosay I Can Roll My Tongue

    If there are so many "Pegasisters" why do MLP conventions appear to be such sausage fests? Why are none of these socially awkward rejects hooking up?
    Very Honest Content likes this.
  2. Baron_Aurr

    Baron_Aurr Well-Known Member

    Bronies are generally unattractive and creepy (see: Chris); the pegasisters are smart enough to stay away.
    Very Honest Content likes this.
  3. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    Chris confirmed into MLP pegging. I refuse to interpret his statement any other way.
  4. Stardust

    Stardust Self-proclaimed Ween

    Whats pegging?
    Very Honest Content likes this.

    NAITCHA BAH 16-time World Champion

    Pibot and Aldora like this.
  6. Minimal Effort

    Minimal Effort Bring out your dead.

    Last edited: Apr 7, 2017
  7. Hurtful Truth Level

    Hurtful Truth Level Well-Known Member Real Christorian Hedgehog

  8. Uncle Frank

    Uncle Frank Occasionally slips through the cracks

    "Blue and cool like sailor Neptune"

    Neptune doesn't even have blue hair. Is Chris colourblind?
  9. QuiltGuilt

    QuiltGuilt My 2-cent_garbage.com

    Wait, which one is Chris and which one is Sailor Neptune? They look the same, with those thick, luscious locks.
  10. Aldora

    Aldora Well-Known Member

    Chris thinks he is cool, just like he thinks Sonic/Sonichu is cool. He is wrong on both counts.
  11. Baron_Aurr

    Baron_Aurr Well-Known Member

    Blue is not a natural hair color, therefore for Christine to "keep" her hair blue she must have been exposed to radiation as a baby or something.
    ...That would actually explain a lot.

    Not a coincidence that Neptune is one of the lesbian Sailor Soldiers.
  12. Minimal Effort

    Minimal Effort Bring out your dead.

    chris fails at facial recognition again.
  13. king kong... with wings?

    king kong... with wings? Snek doesn't like being manhandled

    I think his vocabulary is limited when it comes to colors
    Baron_Aurr and QuiltGuilt like this.
  14. Duhtay Wodes

    Duhtay Wodes The Uh-Mehwican Dwe-yum

    I feel like this was more Chris thinking "Hmm, yeah, if I rhyme blue and Neptune, I'll sound uber cool and bad ass!"

    Yeah, about that Chris...
  15. QuiltGuilt

    QuiltGuilt My 2-cent_garbage.com

    Fixed it for you
  16. TiggleYaPoosay

    TiggleYaPoosay I Can Roll My Tongue

    Blue hair is very common on lipstick lesbians like Chris.

    Did he say that cartoon avatar makes the person "look mature"?
  17. king kong... with wings?

    king kong... with wings? Snek doesn't like being manhandled

    actually, I was kinda tempted to say that but he does know some dated words (even if he uses them improperly)
    QuiltGuilt likes this.
  18. Pibot

    Pibot The autist formerly known as Pikonic

  19. Mouseberger

    Mouseberger Ground Lolcow on White Bread

    He doesn't do anal though, thus calling into question why he'd want a Uranus.
    Pibot likes this.
  20. QuiltGuilt

    QuiltGuilt My 2-cent_garbage.com

    I saw on the Cwcki that Chris made a post about some unicorn frappuchino and told soMeone too suck it up. What was that all about, anyone know?