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FB 2/5 - Music of the LGBTQAI

Discussion in 'CWC Discussion' started by Hurtful Truth Level, Feb 5, 2017.

  1. Birdoj

    Birdoj bird but in esperanto

    Personally I just say "queer" for everything because there isn't really any consensus on anything past LGBT, but then again queer is still a loaded word that many people don't like to use because it's still used in a slur in some parts of America. In the past, especially in academics, queer was the preferred term for all of this.

    It's a lot of awareness of queer culture and being sensitive towards other people so of course cwc can't handle that. Also maybe he just really wants to keep the L and T parts to stroke his own ego (or maybe win as much pussy as possible by looking like a good ally by having their letters in there, even though he's too dumb to figure out attack helicopter isn't really a thing).
  2. Craftaman Tractor

    Craftaman Tractor I do not identify myself as a helicopter

    How about we just call them f̶a̶g̶g̶o̶t̶s̶ sexual minorities?
  3. Mariposa Electrique

    Mariposa Electrique Well-Known Member

    If Chris had it his way, then it would be LDMD: Lesbians Dykes Muh Duck.
    Very Honest Content and Trilby like this.
  4. Trilby

    Trilby Local Nut

    I'm so confused by all this, it just seems over-excessive.

    Now that sounds a lot better!
  5. Fuguruma

    Fuguruma New Member

    Really, the only things that should be there are LGBT, cause they're the more "common" ones. Don't even get me started on all the Tumblr genders.
    Trilby and Mesh Gear Fox like this.
  6. Chandler Cats

    Chandler Cats Mama Cats. You kids settle down!

    I apparently missed the last "gay" meeting where we added the "AI". That's fantastic! I'm moving to Westworld now and getting a job as a Host.
  7. Hellblazer

    Hellblazer Autism on the rocks Staff Member Administrator Moderator

    I'll find someone to make a player piano version of the Imperial March for you.
  8. Trilby

    Trilby Local Nut

    Anything on Tumblr is meaningless to me these days, I want to believe it's all fiction and the posters are brilliant writers to come up with some dark material!

    I'm surprised we're THAT far ahead!
    Chandler Cats likes this.
  9. Chandler Cats

    Chandler Cats Mama Cats. You kids settle down!

    That would be beyond badass. Black Hat all the way!
    Mesh Gear Fox, Hellblazer and Trilby like this.
  10. Vexing Devil

    Vexing Devil pokes you for 4 whether you like it or not.

    i never needed to know this goddamnit
    Very Honest Content and Trilby like this.
  11. Trilby

    Trilby Local Nut

    None of us do!
  12. Kono

    Kono Servant of the Mighty Drew Pickles

    Doesn't Chris really just mean the "G"? Because we should take out all of the other letters in "LGBT" except for really really gay, because Chris is also really really gay.
    Ghost Nappa and Trilby like this.
  13. hm yeah

    hm yeah buh ayway

    whuh whuh are dose... negro sexuals doing over there in the corner??
    JULAY likes this.
  14. InklingTits

    InklingTits daddy's inkies

    What the fuck is the AI part in that? Asexual and intersexual? Those aren't things and yeah this looks like nothing Chris would ever be able to type up himself. Chris makes the trans community look horrible, and i hate him for it.
    Trilby likes this.